Bible League International: Bible Translation التطبيقات

Savremeni srpski prevod 1.0
Savremeni srpski prevod sačinjen je da bistenalak i zabavan način uživali u Svetom pismu. Porodice i crkveuživaćeu čitanju Božije reči jer će svako biti u stanju da razumeplan kojiBog ima za njegov ili njen život. Jasan i savremen stilprevodaolakšaće razumevanje značenja Biblije čak i onima koji neznajumnogo o njoj.ContemporarySerbiantranslation has been made to the easy and fun way to enjoytheScriptures. Families and churches will enjoy the reading ofGod'sWord, because everyone will be able to understand the planthat Godhas for his or her life. A clear and contemporary stylewillfacilitate the understanding of the meaning of the translationofthe Bible, even those who do not know much about her.
ERV Bible 1.3
The ERV Bible was made to give you an easy way to read the Bible.
ERV Bible (UK) 1.3
The ERV Bible was made to give you an easy way to read the Bible.
Biblia PDT 1.3
PDT Bible was made to read the Bible in an easy and fun way.
Bib la VKF 1.2
VKF the feast for ba w yon fason senp for ka pran yon plezi nan liBib la.
РСП Библия 1.4
The RSP Bible was made to give you an easy way to read the Bible.
The GOSPEL was made to give you an easy way to read the Bible.
普通话圣经 1.3
The Holy Bible was made to give you an easy way to read the Bible.
УСП Біблія 1.3
The New Testament was made to give you an easy way to read theBible.
Bíblia VFL 1.0
The VFL Bible is designed to help you read the Bible the easy way.
Biblia TKU 1.1
The English Bible Easy to Read
พระคริสตธรรมคัมภีร์ ขจง. 1.3
Easy-to-read versions of the Bible are written so that readers canhave fun reading the blessings.
Библија ССП 1.1
SSP is made for you to enjoy Scripture in an easy and fun way.
ERV訳 聖書 1.0
ERV Translation The Bible was translated with the aim of makingiteasy to read.
الكتاب المقدس ت ع م 1.0
Holy Bible (UTC) was created to give you an easy way to readtheBible.
Alkitab AMD 1.0
Easy to Read Bible was created to make it easier for you to readtheBible